Sunday, February 27, 2011

Have You Found Him Yet?

Jeremiah 29:13(KJV) "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

A lot of us are continually asking God for more of Him, but we just aren't doing what we need to do to receive more of Him. He clearly isn't saying go to church more, or get involved in more activities with the church. This is a spiritual thing, not a religious thing. Instead of getting more involved in church, we need to get more involved with God Himself.

We have to seek Him, not because He's lost, but because we are. He is always there, waiting with outstretched arms, waiting for us to turn our will over to His. We keep looking in all the wrong places for God. There is nothing wrong with church involvement, but it cannot take the place of our relationship with God.

When we get into that secret place and open up our hearts to God, it is there that He can speak to us and make Himself known. It is in that blessed quietness, that perfect peace, that we cultivate our relationship with our creator. That's where He gently speaks to us, nourishes us with His Word, and encourages our hearts, as we worship Him.

Seek Him with all your heart, and He guarantees that you will find Him.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It Really Does Take All That!

2 Samuel 6:22a shows us a king who is not ashamed to worship God with his whole heart. "I will become even more undignified than this..."(NIV). He didn't care what people said or thought about him dancing before the Lord with all his might.

So, why is it exactly that we care what others think or say? Why are we more concerned with how people see us rather than how God sees us? Why do we let people determine how we worship and praise our God? Somewhere along the way, "religion" got in the way of WORSHIP. I encourage you to allow the Spirit of God to take control, and stop being afraid of men and their faces.

The very next opportunity you have to praise and worship God in public, I dare you to just let loose, let the make-up run, let the heel break on that shoe, let the hairpins fly! He is worthy of all that and much more. Will you become undignified for His glory today? Think about it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

We Need to Clean House

Psalm 51:10 (KJV) "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."

This Psalm contains a very sincere prayer. David confesses his sin, begs God's forgiveness, and asks God to clean him up. He even asks God not to expel him from God's presence or take the Holy Spirit away from him. When you have the chance, I encourage you to read the whole prayer.

Sometimes we should just get sick of ourselves. David confessed that his sin was ever before him. Our sin often stares us right in the face, and we fail to acknowledge that it's there. Ignoring the iniquity doesn't make it go away; ignoring it causes it to grow. An untreated infection can kill. An unconfessed, unforgiven, and unpurged sin can kill our spirit.

We are so unworthy of God's mercy, yet He gives us opportunity after opportunity to make things right with Him. Whatever "secret sin" you have been holding on to, tell God about it and ask for His forgiveness. He alone can purge you and make you clean. Give the Holy Spirit a clean house in which to dwell. It's time to clean house!

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Blessing of Peace

Numbers 6:24-26 "The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace." (KJV)

This is a wonderful blessing that God offers to each and every one of us.  If you've recently suffered a loss, setback, blizzard perhaps, or whatever, know that God offers you peace.  He holds the peace that passes all understanding through Christ Jesus.  All you need to do is accept it today.  It matters not what situations you are facing today, how hectic your life has become, or how devastated you appear to be.  God offers you peace.

There is no calm during the storm like the calm Jesus can provoke simply by speaking, "Peace, be still."  He can speak those words into your life right now, if you just ask Him.  Everything will be all right if you can only believe.  I dare you to act like your life is peaches and cream today.  Walk in the promise that God will provide all your needs according to His riches in glory.  Pretty soon you'll wonder how you got over.  God loves you, and so do I.  Be blessed. is sponsoring a giveaway through this blog, if you are interested.  All you need to do to enter is follow this blog and "like" on facebook.  The giveaway is a very nice t-shirt proclaiming that I AM A WOMAN OF GOD!