Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Human nature is inherently opposed to submission. We think we’re strongest when we are in control. Like the poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley, we want to be the master of our own destiny. The problem with our human nature is that if we are in control, God cannot be God. Until we submit ourselves under His authority, we are denying His sovereignty.
As believers in the one true God, we don’t have any other option but to surrender our will to God’s. We cannot expect all the promises of God to be fulfilled in our lives while we are doing whatever we want rather than what God has commanded. Doing what is right in our own eyes will not put us in right-standing with God anyway.
If we don’t allow God to be the captain of our souls, we are doomed to a life of disappointment and hopelessness. Things will never work out for our good the way they do when God is given His rightful place at the head and center of our lives. The world will mock you for entrusting your life to a higher power, but we know that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). We know who the higher power is, and we know what He can do.
Surrender isn’t a sign of weakness, but a sign of trust. God knows us completely and knew us from before the foundation of the world. When there is trouble with the car, we take it to a mechanic. When there is trouble with the computer, we call the technology people. When there is a problem in our body, we take it to a doctor. We trust the experts with what they’re trained to do. Our soul is no different; we need to give (surrender, yield, submit) it to the One who specializes in the eternal soul.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Chapter 46

I haven’t blogged in quite a while. Since today is my birthday, I decided to get some thoughts down for posterity. It’s good to remember and reflect. It is now my 46th year, and God has been faithful. Every year hasn’t been great, I don’t have everything I’ve ever wanted, and there are things I could have done differently. Still, I can look over my life and see how God worked all things together for my good – just like He promised He would.

Lamentations 3:20-23 (NASB)

            Surely my soul remembers
            And is bowed down within me.
            This I recall to my mind,
            Therefore I have hope.
            The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
            For His compassions never fail.
            They are new every morning;
            Great is Your faithfulness.

I can’t help but be thankful when I am thoughtful. I remember all the times God delivered me from evil, even when I invited evil into my life. I think of all the possible ways my life could have and should have ended but didn’t. I consider all the time and resources I wasted on foolish pursuits. God is indeed faithful. I’m still here, I am in good health, and I have what I need. My story encourages me in my faith.

My perspective changes from what God can do to who God is. I no longer worry about if He can. God is definitely able! I have history with Him that tells me He can; the question becomes ‘Is it His will for my life at this time?’ I remember a particularly dark time in my life when the only comfort I had was knowing that God is sovereign. Nothing happens without His approval. He sees my end from the beginning. He exists outside of my timeline, and He knows how my life fits into His divine plan.

Every morning I wake up, I know that my life still has purpose. God doesn’t waste a single moment. He uses everything for His glory. No matter how badly I think I’ve botched something, He can use it. No matter how painful something may have been, He can use it. As a matter of fact, He has used it – all of it. The person I have become because of these experiences is who He wanted me to be at this time of my life. I have found that accepting what God allows builds greater character than any class on earth you could take. No, it isn’t always easy. No, it isn’t always pleasant. But you know what? It always comes with peace.

I have learned that surrendering and submitting to God’s will always come with peace. You will know that God is using it to develop you. You will embrace it as God’s way of making all things work for your good. People won’t understand how you have that peace in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, but your life will lead someone to the Gospel of Christ. The way you consider it joy when you are going through all kinds of adversity will encourage someone else in his/her faith.
Don’t despise what God has allowed in your life. That’s what I’ve learned. His compassions never fail. His mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness.