Philippians 2:12 (KJV) Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
It's easy to do what's right when somebody is watching, but what happens when we think we are alone? Following Jesus Christ involves obeying Him at all times. Although works do not save us, we must continually work out. Our spiritual fitness depends on it. We don't want to become lazy, complacent, and out of shape.
Salvation is a free gift of God for those who accept it. Once that critical life choice is made, we must begin to put our faith into action, working out our own salvation. We must revere God and His holiness, being very conscious to obey His commands. The eyes of the Lord are in every place, so He is always watching. Reading your Bible at church is wonderful, but are you reading at home? Not cussing in front of your kids is great, but what happens in traffic? (GUILTY) Praying in Sunday School is beautiful, but how's that prayer life at home? Not shoplifting in the store is fantastic, but what about those pens in your pocket from work?
We must perpetually press toward that mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus. We have to work out daily in our study of God's Word, in our meditation on His law, in our communication with Him in prayer. The awesome thing about this journey is that we have a helper, a comforter, a convictor, an educator: the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ knew we wouldn't be able to obey the law of the Lord in our own strength, so He sent us the precious Holy Ghost. We need to listen to him and heed his direction. It's all a part of the work out, which will increase our stamina, improve our function, and bring clarity to our purpose.
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