1:5 (NASB) “Before I formed you in the
womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed
you a prophet to the nations.”
is more than amazing. He knew before the
day of your birth everything that would transpire in your life. He knew when, where, what, how, and who would
be involved in every circumstance and situation you would ever face. Omniscient is an understatement to His
infinite knowledge. We just don’t have
sufficient verbiage to describe God’s splendor and majesty.
we can take comfort in knowing that before even our first breath, He had a
purpose for us to fulfill upon this earth.
Nothing happens in our lives that can alter the purpose that He
established for us before the beginning of time. When we understand just how much control we
really don’t have, we can truly begin to exercise our faith in God. His sovereignty is beyond our realm of
we cannot fully understand, we can trust.
Once we trust God with our past, present, and future, we can operate in the
undeniable peace that God is working all things together for our good. When we live for His glory alone, our
contentment cannot be shaken because we know that HE KNOWS everything
concerning us. Nothing could ever
possibly catch Him by surprise: no illness, no job loss, no financial
devastation, no addiction, no________ (fill in the blank with whatever you are
facing today). He consecrated you before
your birth, and He appointed you to a specific purpose.
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