3:16 (NASB) For God so loved the world,
that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not
perish, but have eternal life.
Sometimes we just need
a reminder of what God sacrificed to reconcile us to Himself. He gave
EVERYTHING He had to redeem us from eternal death. He gave His son; the son
gave his life. There is no greater love than this. At our very best, we deserve
eternal damnation. Mercy pitied us, and grace overlooked our many faults.
All of our past,
present, and future transgressions were whipped into Jesus’ flesh when He was
beaten and crucified. When I think about it, I can’t help but ask why. Why
would He give Himself up for people who hated Him? He knew that we (humans)
were going to mock, reject, and kill Him, and yet He came anyway! There was no
other way for us to be redeemed. Blood had to be shed, but animal blood only
offered temporary pardon. There was only one way to have permanent remission of
Jesus Christ had to
die. His blood had to be shed. He was the perfect, blameless Lamb of God, and
the only sacrifice acceptable to God forever. FOREVER. FOREVER. FOREVER. It’s
done, finished, complete. It will never have to be done again. It was the
perfect plan for the perfect sacrifice made by a perfect God for very imperfect
people. I am amazed that He would think so highly of someone as messed up as
me. I am beyond grateful for His unfailing love, aren’t you?
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