Monday, August 15, 2011

Give Him Glory!

Revelation 4:11(KJV) "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."

Sometimes we should praise God just because!  We praise Him for this and for that, but how often do we just give Him glory merely because He is worthy?  I am challenging you, as well as myself to do just that this week.  He does what He does because He is who He is ("I am that I am," as God so eloquently put it to Moses).  We say we are seeking His face, and I believe we honestly try, but sometimes we just fall short of that goal.  We seek His stuff or His blessings, rather than just giving Him glory and honor.

Sure, we all have needs that we must bring before the Lord because He asked us to cast our cares on Him.  I am suggesting that we come to Him for blessings and miracles more than we come to Him to bless His name.  There should be a balance between our prayers of supplication, intercession, praise, and thanksgiving.  We need to be more mindful of how much we are requesting versus how much we are giving.  How dare we come before God to ask Him for anything before we have honored Him with the fruit of our lips!  Why do we ask for something ELSE on the heels of some miracle He has worked in our lives without first thanking Him for what He's already done?

Take a moment to consider your current prayers.  If you are doing more praising than asking, praise God all the more!  If like me, your prayers are unbalanced, make a conscious effort not to ask God for anything for at least the first half of your prayer time.  Come to Him with words of praise and adoration.  Call out His attributes to Him.  "God, you're worthy; Lord, you're awesome; There's none like You; Father, I love you; Jesus, I thank you!"  Take this challenge with me, and I'd love to hear your testimonies of how it worked out!

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