Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Don't Shortchange Yourself

Psalm 29:2 (KJV) Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
At this time of year, most people are reflecting on the outgoing year and making plans for the new year.  It’s time to analyze what worked and what needs some tweaking to go forward.  This is the perfect time to set new goals and make resolutions for ourselves.  It’s also a great time to recommit our lives to Christ.

The scripture I chose for today’s blog is about praise and worship.  “Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name;” – that’s praise, and “worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness” – that’s worship.  All you need to praise God (give glory to His name) are facts and rationalization.  We can see, touch, taste, hear, and feel what God has done or is doing.  That’s why in Psalm 150:6, the psalmist commands everything that has breath to praise the Lord; everyone can do it.  Worship, on the other hand, involves so much more.
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.  Holiness is living a life pleasing to God.  So, how can you worship the Lord if you aren’t living for Him?  Worship is impossible without a relationship with God.  A relationship with God is impossible without the blood-covering of Jesus Christ.  Worship is a life dedicated to loving God and loving people.  Worship is NOT slow, beautiful music.  Worship is NOT a church service.  Worship is NOT something you just do when you feel like it.

Worship is who you are, and who you are in Christ.  Worship is how you live every single day for the glory of God.  Worship is abiding in the true vine, Jesus Christ.  Worship is hiding the Word of God in your heart.  Worship is living intentionally with heavenly eternity in view.  Worship involves chasing after God’s own heart.  Now is the time to seek the Lord with all your heart.  Find the truth for yourself.  Stop following religion, tradition, people, clichés, and entertainment.  Find the living God.

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